Lucy Anderson, who has taken on the role of Zoe Murphy in the West End production of Dear Evan Hansen, was previously part of the ensemble in On The Town. more...
David Campbell, known for his extensive work in music arrangement and orchestration, contributed his talents to "On the Town," showcasing his expertise in song and dance arrangements, as well as underscoring and vocal/choral arrangements for the production. more...
Adam Garcia, who played the role of Foreman in the 2010 West End production of Tap Dogs, has also been featured in notable productions such as Birdy and Where Do We Live. more...
Tim Howar, known for his extensive work in Canadian and UK theatre, including starring roles in Peggy Sue Got Married and Rent, also captivated audiences as Stacee Jaxx in the London production of Rock of Ages at the Garrick Theatre until its closure in November 2013. more...
Aaron Lazar, who has a rich background in both academics and the arts, showcased his versatile talents on Broadway in the past, including his notable performance in "On the Town." more...
Caroline O'Connor, who has an extensive career on Broadway and the West End, including a notable performance in "On The Town," has also been recognized with Olivier nominations for her roles in "Mack and Mabel" and "Bombshells." more...
Christopher Rosselli, a versatile Long Island-based artist with experience in acting, directing, musical direction, and design, showcased his extensive talents in "On the Town." more...
Lee William-Davis, an alum of Italia Conti and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, showcased his versatile talent in a variety of productions, including his performance in "On the Town" with the English National Opera (ENO). more...
Danielle Young, a London-born actress trained at Millennium Performing Arts, showcased her versatility in the past with a notable performance in "On the Town" at the London Coliseum. more...